What does my child need to bring on his/her first day? Each child needs to bring the following: water bottle, inside shoes/slippers, one set of extra clothes, outdoor clothing appropriate for the weather. Younger children may also bring a blanket and pillow for rest time as well as one stuffie to cuddle with during nap.
How do I know what is going on at the childcare? Each month we have a newsletter that informs the parents of all that is happening at the childcare including, but not limited to, closures, fieldtrips, lesson themes, and meal menues.
Where do I receive invoices and other important correspondence? Each parent had a mailbox at their child's center where they can receive these items. We also have an email account that parents can correspond through and our office can email you your invoice as well.
When do I receive my bill? Billing is done the 1st of each month (or the 1st business day after if it falls on the weekend). These are then distributed to the parents and are due by the 10th with a 3% discount for any paid in full by the 5th.
What is your sick policy? A child will be sent home or asked not to come if he/she has a fever of 101 or higher, or if there have been 2 episodes of diarrhea or vomiting. To return to the childcare, the child must be fever free (without fever reducing medicine) and no vomiting or diarrhea for the past 24 hours.
Information on our website is straight from our parent handbook You will find all of our policies and information in the Parent Handbook.
Little children often get sick. Trinity Lutheran Child Care Center is not licensed to accept sick children. Children who arrive at the center in ill health will be asked to return home. We will do a daily health check upon arrival of each child. This is a casual observation of your child and we look for overall wellness, not for signs to exclude them. If the child is too ill to participate in our daily activities, including outdoor time, then the child is too ill to be at the center. Children who have been sick will not be admitted into the center unless they are completely over their illness and no longer contagious. For the protection of all the children and our staff, your child must be kept at home if signs of illness are showing such as:
We understand many children have dietary restrictions due to allergies, religious beliefs and/or personal preferences. Should you wish to limit or forbid certain food items for any reason, please notify us beforehand and we will make every effort to substitute an alternative food item to serve to your child.