Celebrating 30 years of quality, Christian Child Care
                                                                                Celebrating 30 years                                    of quality, Christian Child Care


Enrollment is based on the center’s availability and the following priority order:

  1. Current Family Members
  2. Trinity Lutheran Church Members
  3. Former Family Members
  4. Community Members/General Public

Parents will meet with the Director prior to enrollment to go over procedures and policies.  Each parent will receive a tour of the facility and a program handbook.  We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.  We observe a goodness of fit policy.  Parents will receive a registration packet that includes the following items:

  1. Registration Form (Download Below)
  2. Fieldtrip Permission Form (Download Below)
  3. Immunization Records (certificate of immunization)
  4. Emergency Contact Form (Emergency Contact Form)
  5. Food Program Income Eligibility Form (Food Program Eligibility Form)
  6. Food Program Income Eligibility Guidelines (CACFP Eligibility Guidelines)
  7. Enrollment & Tuition Policy/Contract (Download Below)
  8. Over the Counter (OTC) Medication Form (OTC form)
  9. Video and Photo Release Form (Download Below)
  10. Personal Care Plan & Developmental skills checklist (preschool care plan)(infant/toddler care plan) (School age care plan-download below)
  11. Pediatric Health Statement (those under 2 years) (Ped. Health State.)
  12. Infant Feeding Schedule (those under 2 years) (Infant Feeding Sched.)
  13. Tuition Express Automated Payment Authorization Form (Download below)
  14. Text/Email Information (Download Below)

All of these items, along with the registration fee, will need to be turned into the Director two full business days prior to your child starting our program.  You can download each item by clicking on the link following the title or, when specified, by clicking the link below.

Parent Handbook
Trinity Lutheran Child Care Center Famil[...]
Microsoft Word document [43.9 KB]
Registration Form.doc
Microsoft Word document [27.0 KB]
Field trip permission.docx
Microsoft Word document [16.8 KB]
Tuition Policy 2023.docx
Microsoft Word document [15.7 KB]
Microsoft Word document [12.6 KB]
School Age Care Plan
Personal Care Plan School Age.docx
Microsoft Word document [14.5 KB]
Tuition Express Automated Payment Authorization
Adobe Acrobat document [167.8 KB]
Text/Email Information
Text Email Information Form.docx
Microsoft Word document [13.4 KB]

Registration fee:  $25.00 Non-Refundable per family

Monthly Fees:  See Tuition Policy/Contract

All Families must sign the Tuition Policy Contract.  Our rates are subject to change.  Notice will always be given at least one month in advance.

Any account that has not been paid in full, one billing cycle after care has been discontinued will be turned over to collections.


We do accept families who receive child care scholarships through the Best Beginnings Program.  These families abide by the same tuition policy/contract.  If our rates are higher than the state rate, the family is responsible for the difference in addition to their co-payment.  The family is also responsible for days they are absent without proper notice.


We have returned to our Pre-COVID sick policy.  It can be found in the parent handbook.

We're Here for You


Trinity Lutheran Child Care

486 3rd Avenue West N

Kalispell, MT 59901


406 756-8754


406 407-7049



Or use our 

contact form.


Classroom Phone Numbers

Roly Poly 407-2273

Wiggleflies 407-3332

Butterflies 756-2090

Beehive  270-4463

Dragonflies 756-2090

Youth Center  260-2004

Useful Information

Each month we send out a notification for access to our online newletter.  If you have gmail and are not receiving the notification, please check your "Promotions" folder.  If you did not receive the newsletter notification, please make sure the office has your e-mail address. 

Monthly Newsletters and Menu

5 Week Rotating Menu October--April
Winter Menu.xlsx
Microsoft Excel sheet [32.8 KB]
4 Week Rotating Menu May-September
Summer Menu.xls
Microsoft Excel sheet [87.5 KB]
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© 2012 Trinity Lutheran Child Care